It was a beautiful day and a great turnout for the 2022 ALZ Walk. Our Home Instead team showed up strong to support the Alzheimer’s Association, who raised a whopping $737,248 for the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. We saw lots of smiling faces, loads of happy people, and even stood in the presence of 3 queens! The queen of Scottsdale, the queen of Arizona, and the queen of Caregivers graced our presence to top off this fantastic day!
We made a significant discovery at this year’s Walk. Alzheimer’s Association Executive Director, Terri Spitz (upper right photo in collage) has roots in Cajun Country. She might even be Hope’s long lost relative!
Huge thanks to all that came out to help us raise money and walk. With communities like these coming together in the fight against this grievous disease, one day we will find a cure!