The Resource Fair for Older Adults at The Center in Oak Harbor was a huge success! Hundreds of seniors stopped by our booth, where we had a blast talking about how our home care services have helped countless families throughout our community.
Attendees could walk around and speak directly with local organizations about essential senior services. Each booth was lined with freebies. One of the big hits at our booth was our new Refrigerator Clips. We also handed out plenty of POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) forms, which are important for seniors planning future care. If you missed the event or would like to grab one for yourself or someone you know, feel free to swing by our office. We’d be happy to give you a clip and POLST form!
Thank you to Oak Harbor Parks & Recreation! We were so happy to be part of this event and share how Home Instead is working to provide the best home care in Oak Harbor, WA. We can’t wait for next year’s fair!