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A Home Instead caregiver and an elderly woman smile together as they tend to potted plants outdoors, emphasizing companionship and shared hobbies.

Diabetes Care

Managing diabetes can become challenging for adults as they age. Declining eyesight and normal memory lapses that affect glucose measurement or medication administration can cause blood sugar levels to rise and fall in an unhealthy way.

Home Care for Individuals with Diabetes

Our in-home care for those living with diabetes may include:

  • Planning diabetes-friendly meals
  • Assistance during blood sugar emergencies
  • Social stimulation and companionship to maintain a healthy mood
  • Medication reminders
  • Preparing supplies and recording blood glucose readings
  • Reminders for self-administration of insulin 


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Home Care Made Just For You

We know families looking for care have many things to consider and want to make the right decision. Our free, no-obligation Care Consultation can help you decide the best senior care option for your family.

A Home Instead caregiver in a green uniform helps an elderly woman examine a piece of pottery in a warmly lit home, symbolizing companionship and support with daily activities.