At Home Instead, we're sharing valuable local senior resources to ensure seniors and families in our community have access to the best care options available. Today, we're highlighting The Mary Ann Tully Hospice Inn, a compassionate and supportive facility located at 70 Pinelawn Road, Melville, NY 11747.
The Mary Ann Tully Hospice Inn provides essential short-term care for individuals facing acute pain, managing final-stage illnesses, or transitioning from hospital to home. Featuring 18 private rooms, a family-style kitchen, a sunroom, and an outdoor terrace, the inn prioritizes privacy, comfort, and quality of life for its residents.
The team at The Hospice Inn includes skilled physicians, nurses, personal care aides, social workers, chaplains, and patient support volunteers. They provide complete care, from managing symptoms to offering counseling, spiritual care, and companionship. Additionally, the inn offers complementary therapies like massage, reiki, and pet therapy.
As we strive to provide the best home care in Melville, NY, we're proud to feature The Mary Ann Tully Hospice Inn as part of our senior resource spotlight. For more information, you can contact them directly at (631) 773-6706 or visit their website HERE.