MSM CARE LLC DBA Home Instead is committed to earning the trust and respect of the clients served, payers of services, and employees and act within the law. Therefore, it is the policy of MSM CARE LLC DBA Home Instead Senior Care to deliver service and conduct its business in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations accreditation standards, and ethical principles and establish a mechanism to ensure conformity with laws, regulations, accreditation standards and guidelines, and ethical business practices by its employees.PROCEDURE
1. It is the determined policy of MSM CARE LLC DBA Home Instead Senior Care and its employees to adhere to sound and lawful business practices and comply with all laws, regulations, accreditation standards and guidelines.
2.The Governing Authority shall have final judgment on all business ethics and compliance decisions.
3. The Governing Authority shall appoint an independent Compliance Officers and charge the Professional Advisory Committee with advising the Governing Authority on compliance and ethical issues and overseeing the agency compliance program.
4. The Governing Authority shall annually review all reported violations or incidents of misconduct and compliance, the findings of all internal audits to include admissions, reimbursement, accounts receivable, delinquent accounts, and staff expenses.
5. MSM CARE LLC DBA Home Instead Senior Care has adopted a Code of Ethics that clearly outlines expected conduct and is displayed in each office and included in new hire orientation.
6. MSM CARE LLC DBA Home Instead Senior Care shall communicate the Business Ethics and Compliance policy to the public annually and to clients upon admission.
7. Reports of any misconduct, unethical business practice or violation of laws and accreditation standards and guidelines can be made by anyone. The occurrence must be reported in writing to the Chief Executive and include the name of the accused person(s), act(s), and date(s) of the suspected violation(s). In all cases the person making the report must identify themselves.
8. All reported incidents are investigated within five (5) days of the report, including those reported by the Compliance Officer.
9. If, in the judgment of the Chief Executive or Compliance Officer, an incident is a significant event a report to the Governing Authority may be made immediately upon completion of the investigation.
10. Failure by any employee to report unethical or unlawful practices or actions is misconduct warranting disciplinary action. The Governing Authority has the final determination on appropriate disciplinary action.
11. The agency and its employees will cooperate with all reasonable and lawful demands made by finding agencies, governmental investigation or law enforcement agents. Written, copied or electronic documentation is not to be altered or destroyed in anticipation of a request or as a result of a request for those documents by any authorized lawful investigation.
MSM CARE LLC dba Home Instead adheres to the principles of truth in advertising, and all information accurately represents the organizations scope of services provided, licenses, price claims or testimonials.