“Here’s what our caregivers have to say"
Home Instead is a great place of employment. They really do care for their clients and the employees. They are always training us for different scenarios and situations, along with making sure that we have the proper training, so the clients get the maximum help and assistance they need. The shifts are also great. It allows me to assist clients, make money and still be available for my son.
Bethzaida D. from DeLand, FL
Home Instead has a great office staff, flexible schedule, very nice clients. Great employer, great job!
Gabrielle from Daytona Beach, FL
I love the flexible schedule and taking care and knowing my clients wants and needs. The wonderful people on the office staff that are always there to help and support the caregivers on the Frontline. Thanks for all you do everyone in the office.
Sally from Port Orange, FL
The best place I've ever worked for. The very best company. Thanks for letting me be a part of your very important company.
Angela from Ormond Beach, FL
The training, scheduling/ support staff, communication and truly caring from the heart aren’t just words, but shown through actions.
Melissa from Ormond Beach, FL
I like that I have the opportunity to be of service to others... that alone would keep me happy in my work. But I also have the added benefit of a superb office staff that is always available to answer questions and find solutions to whatever I encounter during my day. They provide the support I need to give the best possible care to our clients.
Gia from Daytona Beach, FL
They are very easy and pleasant people to work with! They all genuinely care about everyone and treat All with respect!
Bailey from Daytona Beach, FL
This is such a great company! Home Instead is very organized, unlike many other companies. The office staff is super nice, and they care about the needs of not only the clients, but the caregivers as well. I am a proud caregiver of Home Instead! They offer ongoing training and they even have fun caregiver meeting! But the best part is they find the best people to take care of the clients!
Briana T. from Daytona Beach, FL
The company not only takes care of their clients, it also takes care of their employees too!
Lynne from Edgewater, FL
I have been with Home Instead since 2009 and I highly recommend them to all my friends, family, and anyone who needs help. It is so rewarding to help seniors with their needs, show them that they are not alone, and we are here to help.
Regina S. from Orange City, FL
I have worked with a few agencies, and I have been with Home Instead since 2017. They are personable, friendly, accommodating and just a pleasurable group of ladies to work with. I like the flexibility and that they will work around your schedule. I feel blessed to be a part of the company. Thank you.
Felicia W. from South Daytona, FL
I started with this company in 2017 and I love working with all the different CAREGivers. The office staff is pleasant to work with and really care about both the CAREGivers and the clients that we care for. The family atmosphere and genuine interest in all the CAREGivers is real. If you have a problem or you need help, someone will be there to listen and help- All you need to do is, ask for it.
Chester C. from Ormond Beach, FL